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Learning Resources  

Downloadable and printable materials that I provide in private lessons. 

These materials are for personal educational use only. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, modify, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit this content, nor may you distribute any part of this content over any network, sell or offer it for sale.

Fingerboard Maps

Use these fingerboard maps to reference the letter names and fingerboard locations of the notes on the violin. 

There is a fingerboard map for each key, as well as a reference guide for matching pitch locations to printed sheet music. 

Violin Scroll
Parts of the Violin

This printable shows the names of all the parts of the violin.

Violin Scroll
Notation Flash Cards

Improve your literacy with this set of printable flash cards! 

Please note: answers are not included. I have found that the process of identifying and writing out the answers helps students learn and memorize the notes. 

In addition to identifying the letter name of the note, identify how to play the note. For example: B - 1st finger - A string, E♭ - low 1 - D String, F♯ - 2nd finger - D string, etc.

To avoid having your answers show through, I recommend cutting and pasting these onto notecards or printing on card stock.

Violin Scroll

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